guess where am i now?
at this time as early as 3.06p.m.
school??? home???
aha, no!
i am at craving thoughts with dearie tian tian!
school was so shuang today.
11a.m. to 1p.m.
enjoying the free wireless we have here.
so good! i gonna change my blog's skin later with candy's help.
or i should say letting her do it for me? oops :X
well, i should forgive her for being a muddlehead and LATE THAN HALF AN HOUR!
she is munching her food happily now.
cos the food is simply delicious and economical.
mushroom soup + panfried dory with tomato coulis & herb breadcrumb + cream caramel = $6.90
alright, thats all for now.
happy schooling to all my peeps! :)